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Apache Spark Training in Chennai

Velgro Academy offers best Apache Spark Training in Chennai with most experienced professionals. Our Instructors are working in Apache Spark and related technologies for more years in MNC’s. We aware of industry needs and we are offering Apache Spark Training in Chennai in more practical way. Our team of Apache Spark trainers offers Apache Spark in Classroom training, Apache Spark Online Training and Apache Spark Corporate Training services. We framed our syllabus to match with the real world requirements for both beginner level to advanced level. Our training will be handled in either weekday or weekends programme depends on participant’s requirement.

We do offer Fast-Track Apache Spark Training in Bangalore and One-to-One Apache Spark Training in Bangalore. Here are the major topics we cover under this Apache Spark course. History of Big Data & Apache Spark, Introduction to the Spark Shell and the training environment, Intro to Spark DataFrames and Spark SQL, Introduction to RDDs, Lazy Evaluation, Data Sources: reading from Parquet, S3, Cassandra, HDFS, and your local file system, Programming with Accumulators and Broadcast variables, Advanced programming with RDDs (understanding the shuffle phase, partitioning, etc.) , Visualization: matplotlib, gg_plot, dashboards, exploration and visualization in notebooks, Introduction to Spark Streaming, Introduction to MLlib and GraphX. Every topic will be covered in mostly practical way with examples.

Apache Spark Training Syllabus:

  • History of Big Data & Apache Spark
  • Introduction to the Spark Shell and the training environment
  • Intro to Spark DataFrames and Spark SQL
  • Introduction to RDDs
    • Lazy Evaluation
    • Transformations and Actions
    • Caching
    • Using the Spark UIs
  • Data Sources: reading from Parquet, S3, Cassandra, HDFS, and your local file system
  • Spark’s Architecture
  • Programming with Accumulators and Broadcast variables
  • Debugging and tuning Spark jobs using Spark’s admin UIs
  • Memory & Persistence
  • Advanced programming with RDDs (understanding the shuffle phase, partitioning, etc.)
  • Visualization: matplotlib, gg_plot, dashboards, exploration and visualization in notebooks
  • Introduction to Spark Streaming
  • Introduction to MLlib and GraphX

Course Duration:  2  to  3 Month, 2 hpd

Contact:  +91  9080334727

Mail:  info@velgrotechnologies.com

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