QC Training in Chennai

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QC Training in Chennai

Training in Chennai offers best QC Training in Chennai with most experienced professionals. We aware of industry needs and we are offering QC Training in Chennai in more practical way. Our team of QC trainers offers QC in Classroom training, QC Online Training and QC Corporate Training services. We framed our syllabus to match with the real world requirements for both beginner level to advanced level. Our training will be handled in either weekday or weekend’s program depends on participant’s requirement. We do offer Fast-Track QC Training in Chennai and One-to-One QC Training in Chennai. Here are the major topics we cover under this QC course Syllabus Introduction, Quality control of solid dosage forms, QC of Semi, solid, liquid dosage forms and sterile products, QC of Aerosol and NDDS + quiz 1, QC of Aerosol and Drug-Excipients Interaction, Quality control and quality assurance, Guidelines for Bioequivalence Studies, Midterm, Pharmaceutical Validation and Inspection + Bioequivalence problems, Statistical quality control. Every topic will be covered in mostly practical way with examples.

We are the best Training Institute offers certification oriented QC Training in Chennai. Our participants will be eligible to clear all type of interviews at end of our sessions. Our QC Training Course Fees is very moderate compared to others.

QC Training Syllabus:

  • Introduction
  • Quality control of solid dosage forms.
  • QC of Semi solid, liquid dosage forms and sterile products
  • QC of Aerosol and NDDS + quiz 1 (Lectures 1-3)
  • QC of Aerosol and Drug-Excipients Interaction
  • Quality control and quality assurance
  • Guidelines for Bioequivalence Studies
  • Midterm (Lectures 1-5)
  • Pharmaceutical Validation and Inspection + Bioequivalence problems
  • Statistical quality control
  • Guidelines for Stability Studies + quiz 2 (Bioequivalence Problems)
  • New Drug Approval + quiz 3 (Quality Control Charts Problems)

Course Duration:  2  to  3 Month, 2 hpd

Contact:  +91  9080334727

Mail:  info@velgrotechnologies.com

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