NODE JS Training in Chennai

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NODE JS Training in Chennai

We are the best providers of Node.js Training in Chennai with expert guidance and fully interactive classes. Our training program is very much mixed both practical and interview point of questions.

What is node.js?

Node.js is a open source, cross platform JavaScript based run time environment that runs on Chrome’s V8 engine, a JavaScript® engine which runs on Google chrome. Node.js uses JavaScript to build server side applications including the server itself. Node.js® uses event driven non blocking IO model so as to make it lightweight and efficient.

Why node.js?

If you know JavaScript then its must that you should peep into Node.js Yes, developing Node.js® application is as much as easy as you already know JavaScript. Lot of modules come alive day by day making Node.js development further easy. There is no need of converting JSON to server side objects as in Node.js case both client and server runs on JavaScript.

Job opportunity for node.js

JavaScript is the most popular language now a days and current market is having a huge opening for Node.js developers.

Node JS Training Syllabus:

  • Introduction
  • Environment Setup
  • Node Package Manager
  • Callbacks
  • Events and Event Loop
  • Streams and Buffers
  • Express Framework
  • Introduction to MongoDb
  • Connecting Node.js to Database
  • Mongoose Module
  • Creating Rest APIs

Course Duration:  2  to  3 Month, 2 hpd

Contact:  +91  9080334727


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