OpenNebula Training in Chennai

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OpenNebula Training in Chennai

Learn how to use OpenNebula from beginner level to advanced techniques which is taught by experienced working professionals. With our OpenNebula Training in Chennai you’ll learn concepts in expert level with practical manner.

What is OpenNebula?

OpenNebula is an open source software for cloud computing. OpenNebula mainly focuses on Data center virtualization. OpenNebula was first established as a research project in 2005 by Ignacio M. Laorente and Ruben S. Montero. The first public release of OpenNebula was in March 2008.

Why OpenNebula?

Cloud Computing is a ubiquitous technology which allows anytime anywhere access. Cloud is acclaimed for provisioning of on-demand services. OpenNebula is a simple, User driven software to deploy InfraSructure as a service (Iaas). It is one among the stable and easy to use tool with High Performance Computing(HPC). OpenNebula is modular; it can be efficiently integrated and adapted with other open source API’s and tools. The Sunstone (dashboard) in OpenNebula has more GUI feature for user interaction. OpenNebula is efficient, flexible, scalable and portable. OpenNebula uses MySQL and SQLite Database.

OpenNebula Training Syllabus:

  • Distributed systems
  • Issues in communication
  • Remote Procedure Call
  • Remote Method Invocation
  • Message- and Stream-Oriented communication
  • Processes and threads
  • Code migration and distributed scheduling
  • Naming
  • Clock Synchronization
  • Distributed mutual exclusion and distributed deadlocks 5
  • Distributed transaction
  • Consistency models
  • Replication
  • Fault tolerance
  • Distributed commit and failure recovery
  • Distributed file systems (NFS, AFS & coda)
  • Security in distributed systems
  • Security: authentication
  • Distributed middleware: CORBA
  • Case studies: DCOM and JINI

Course Duration:  2  to  3 Month, 2 hpd

Contact:  +91  9080334727


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