SAS Predictive Training in Chennai

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SAS Predictive Training in Chennai

Training in Chennai offers best SAS Predictive Training in Chennai with most experienced professionals. We aware of industry needs and we are offering SAS Predictive Training in Chennai in more practical way. Our team of SAS Predictive trainers offers SAS Predictive in Classroom training, SAS Predictive Online Training and SAS Predictive Corporate Training services. We framed our syllabus to match with the real world requirements for both beginner level to advanced level. Our training will be handled in either weekday or weekend’s program depends on participant’s requirement.

We are the best Training Institute offers certification oriented SAS Predictive Training in Chennai. Our SAS Predictive Training Course Fees is very moderate compared to others.

SAS Predictive Training Syllabus:

Applied Analytics using SAS Enterprise Miner 5.3
  • Introduction
  • Accessing and Assaying Prepared Data
  • Introduction to Predictive Modeling with Decision Trees Introduction to Predictive Modeling with Regressions
  • Introduction to Predictive Modeling with Neural Networks and Other Modeling Tools Model Assessment
  • Model Implementation Introduction to Pattern Discovery Special Topics(Self-Study)
  • Case Studies (Self-Study)

Enterprise Guide: ANOVA Regression and Logistic Regression

  • Introduction to Statistics
  • Inferences for the Mean
  • Analysis of Variance
  • Regression
  • Regression Diagnostics
  • Categorical Data Analysis

Course Duration:  2  to  3 Month, 2 hpd

Contact:  +91  9080334727


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